About Us

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30+ Speakers

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15+ Main Sponsor

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A section solely dedicated to ensuring that one understands ARK
MIDDLE EAST EVENTS’ history, event ideology and process
methodology by providing the viewer a brief and concise insight to
At ARK Middle East we believe in creating experiences and not just
events. With our creative expertise we provide fresh, fun, and
innovative event management solutions by adhering to schedules
and not compromising on the quality. We take utmost care in
crafting projects with true passion and attention to details. We
believe in pushing boundaries to make dreams come true. With our
expert team which insists on nothing but perfection, we have
conceptualized and managed variety of events in Dubai and other

Event Speakers

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Rocking Nagor


Blanked Wood

James Morgan

Senio Visual Designer

Steve John

Senio Visual Designer

Cristian Zozo

Senio Visual Designer

Cristian Zozo

Senio Visual Designer

Michel Zozo

Senio Visual Designer

Cristian Zozo

Senio Visual Designer

Lara Quize

Senio Visual Designer

Cristian Zozo

Senio Visual Designer

Ayrin Dina

Artland Band

Steve John

Artland Band

Offcial Sponsonrs & Partner

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Gold Sponsors

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magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.